Opening times
Monday ~ Thursday
Friday ~ Saturday
12pm ~ 9pm
12pm ~ 11pm
12pm ~ 6pm
Kitchen opening times
Monday ~ Saturday
12pm ~ 3pm
6pm ~ 8pm
12pm ~ 4pm
Staying Covid-19 Safe in 2020 at The Crown, Ley Hill
The following rules are applied when the pub is open
We confirm that we have complied with the Government's guidance on managing risk of Covid-19.
We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work here.
We have cleaning, hand washing and hygiene procedures in line with Government guidelines.
We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain the 1 metre plus distance in this establishment.
Please use the hand sanitisers on the wall and put on your face covering upon entry.
Upon entering you will be required to sign in either on the sheet or by QR code, you will then be shown to your table
You must remain in your seat at all times unless you need to use the bathroom facilities and must wear your face covering when moving around the pub.
No standing or ordering food or drinks at the bar is permitted.
We will be cleaning all our laminated menus after one use and all touch points around the building every hour.
Please use contactless payments wherever possible.
Our staff have all completed their own personal risk assessments and are wearing PPE for your protection and their protection.
Please keep to the “one in, one out” signs on the toilet doors and lock the outside door of the toilets. Remember to wash your hands after using the facilities and use the hand sanitiser on the wall outside.
You will be issued with a new glass every serve.
Please respect our staff as they get used to different trading practices. Abuse towards staff will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave.